Sunday, September 30, 2007

Flu Vaccine...

Below is an email from my Mom! As you can see "as is the mother, so is her daughter"! You go mom! ;o) ha!

Updated 10-24-07

To back up and prove my mom's important information

Mom wrote the below a while back. She has NO degree...just plain ol' common sense and a desire to seek the truth of the matter! You can do your own research. The info is out there! Don't believe the lies we are being fed, they just might kill you.

Love Jess


Starting Monday, at many grocery and department stores, clinics and Dr's offices, college campuses and schools across Virginia the Influenza vaccination will be administered to all who are willing to think (keyword) this will help them not get the flu.

What it actually will do is help to spread the virus!

How? By "satellite" transmission or communication.

Lets think about this for a moment. YOU go to Food Lion to grab a few items and while there, decide to get the flu vaccine, (remember this strain IS NOT necessarily for the flu that MAY be out this year. All strains are different and each year a different flu vaccine is created to try to ward off the upcoming flu. Sounds like gambling to me.)
You get your vaccine, get a few items and go on your merry way. A few days later you may sneeze, due to too much pepper you just put on your salad at your local restaurant, but those particles of sneeze spray are now off and running thru the air, invading all the nasal passages and entering into the bodies of those nearest you. You are such a good share-er!

You go home that evening and sneeze a few more times as your allergies are acting up a bit. Again, your not sick, your just simply sneezing, or maybe coughing due to a tickle in your throat. Regardless, your "saliva/nasal spray" is air bound and seeking entrance of another.

Seven to 10 days later, someone in your home is sick and with guess what?? THE FLU! (Are you amazed??)
You tell them they should have did like you did and had the vaccination, as you are now safe from getting the flu (so you think!)
In all actuality, you my friend, brought the flu home and passed it around. This is what is known as "satellite" transmission or communication.

Some history...

The 1976 "Swine Flu" Fiasco

The "swine flu" fiasco of 1976 was another major embarrassment in the history of vaccination programs. Led by, President Gerald Ford, government and medical officials warned the swine flu would be one of the worst flu epidemics in medical history, and millions of dollars were appointed by Congress to develop and administer a vaccine. Millions of people were convinced to take the vaccine to prepare for this "killer flu."

But a strange thing happened on the way to the epidemic: The swine flu was never proven to exist! A grand total of SIX cases of swine flu were reported, and in the entire nation. The "swine flu" vaccine caused a reported 565 cases of Guillain-Barre paralysis, 30-60 deaths and numerous other ailments, including blindness and impotency. Lawsuits totaling more then 1.3 BILLION were filed alleging injury or death as a result of this vaccination and Congress appropriated $135 million to cover the damages.
Dr J. Anthony Morris, who was head of the governments influenza control division in 1976, knew what was happening and warned his superiors that the flu vaccine was dangerous and ineffective. He also advised the news media of his belief that the vaccine was NOT SAFE and that the swine flu epidemic was not likely. As a result, Dr. Morris was FIRED following decades of public service, according to Gannet News Agency report titled, "The Vaccine Machine." Morris, who established a private non-profit scientific research organization after his dismissal, said he felt his firing was economically motivated because "the influenza vaccines were the biggest sellers at that time."
Some time later, following publicity about adverse effects of the pertussis vaccine, Morris was asked to appear on Phil Donahue. At that time, he was doing consulting work for the University of Maryland, and a credit to his effect appeared on the tv program. University of Maryland officials chastised Morris for citing the university's name, because they feared it could jeopardize federal grants to the university (hmmmmmm. )

Improvements have been made over the years in the flu vaccines, however Dr. John Seal of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease believes "...any and all flu vaccines are capable of causing Guillain-Barre."

I hear you screaming...WELL WHAT DO WE DO THEN??? If we dont get the vaccine, then we'll get the flu!! Do you really think having the flu injected into your body will ward it off??

We had the flu every year that Bobby got the flu vaccine! He brought it right inside our home to share with us all! Over the years since then some of us have been sick with that week long bug, but it has not been as much as we did for SIXTEEN straight YEARS every winter of faithfully having it! Courtesy of the carrier

I have a secret to share about how to battle the flu! We have a thing called AN IMMUNE SYSTEM! What we put into our bodies to strengthen them will protect them from ailments. Is this a new concept or what?

Think about that, if you live on fast food (fat food), you'll get sick quick, feel tired easier, get that low feeling after filling your belly with it, and your over all health will decline. Just watch Super Size Me and you'll see for yourself.

If you give your body fuel that it can live and work on, you'll be able to fight illness, feel more energized, and your over all health will soar!

Did you know that your body creates about a million new cells every second and the foods you provide your body with will either shoot those cells down or enhance them?

If all the essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids (which build protein), enzymes, etc, required by our bodies are available, the new cells created can be healthy and vibrant. Isn't that something?

BUT if an improper diet is consumed, sickness will eventually result, due to lacking essential nutrients, the body must now deal with toxins, saturated fats, cholesterol, and chemicals from the Standard American Diet (SAD.) Notice the acronyms?

Vitamin A helps fight infection and bacteria. This is an essential vitamin for the health of skin, eyes, hair, bone and teeth. Also helps heal broken bones, damaged skin and is necessary for healthy functioning of the liver and reproductive organs. Vit A helps the body deal with environmental toxins, and a healthy supply can help shorten the duration of an illness.

Then Vit B...and C, D, E, Calcium, Copper, Iron,Magnesium, Water, Pure Air, Enzymes...
I will not bore you with all the brain matter in my thinking tank! Unless you care to know? Just ask!

I only want to let you know there are other ways to enhance the immune system beside gambling with a toxic, possibly deadly, but most definitely a spreader to others concoction that is being offered as a service, and in my humble opinion is a disservice to us all! As all it does is create illness and death!

Ever wonder why the flu is NOT around in the summer? Only shortly after the vaccine is sold to those thinking they need it, is there an INCREASE in the populace ill with the flu! hmmmmmm!

Look at the stats! Vaccines (all) are administered and the illnesses sky rocket! Does that not make you wonder?

On a DOD pandemic watch board it says, "SIMPLE WAYS TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF GERMS
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze."
Yes, that is admittance to me that it can be spread this way!
While your waiting in line at all the above places that will be filled with coughing, sneezing, freshly vaccinated folks...just remember I have shared this with you all

Whether or not you enjoy my sharing (i know some of you don't), thanks for putting up with my brain rattle. And, well that's not the point
The point is...
I care, that's why I share.
Love and G'nite!
Your Health Conscience, Vaccine Free (You ain't injectin' me), non-conforming Me

Friday, September 28, 2007

Freedom to Facism movie FREE to watch! I just found it on the web! (see below post to see what I am talkin' about) ;)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Review....America's Freedom to Facism DVD

A friend shared the above with us and we are about half way through! Excellent resource for us Americans. Shows repeated cases of how the IRS acts like the mafia to manipulate people into thinking that income taxes for the average american are legal, when in all actuality they are in violation of the constitution and the Supreme court. Our family already knew a lot of stuff on the topic, but it's been really refreshing so far! :)

Just like we as born again Christians should know WHAT the BIBLE says and should be able to refute the lies that satan sends us, we as americans (especially those who claim to be patriotic) should know what our own constitution says, and be ready to combat the lies.

I am not patriotic myself...I don't vote for presidents (it's rigged), I will never have a bumper sticker that says, "God Bless America" etc...(how can God bless a country as horrible and perverse as our own)..but I do see where we need to stand up for the truth and what is right. We can't be like the people under Nebchadnezzar rule, who at the sound of music, bowed down to worship his image. Like upcoming 2008 Spring...national ID cards...not for me, no way. It's not right...closer and closer we get to a totlitarian dictaorship. AND ya know what....just shows me that the Bible is true and we are getting closer and closer to Jesus' return! Get busy winning souls! Soon, I am sure, we will have hate speech laws that hinder the preaching of the Gospel!

So stop staring at the stars (hollywood, that is) and get busy studying. As my mom loves to say..."Know what you believe and stand firm on it." Do your own research and don't take my word for it!

~Jessica, who is done with her late nite ramble

"The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded."-Charles-Louis De Secondat

"America was born in the midst of a great revolution sparked by oppressive taxation. There was something about the American character—open, hard-working, and honest—that rebelled at the very thought of taxes that were not only heavy but unfair. Today the proud American character remains unchanged. But slowly and subtly, surrendering first to this political pressure and then to that, our system of taxation has turned into something completely foreign to our nature—something complicated, unfair, and, in a fundamental sense, un-American. Well, my friends, the time has come for a second American revolution." -Ronald Reagan

“I don’t like the income tax. Every time we talk about these taxes we get around to the idea of ‘from each according to his needs’. That’s socialism. It’s written into the Communist Manifesto. Maybe we ought to see that every person who gets a tax return sees a copy of the Communist Manifesto with it so he can see what’s happening to him…” -T. Coleman Andrews, Commissioner of the IRS 1956

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bock-Bock...Eat mor' Chikin?

We were standing in line at a local Chick-fil-a and I seen it. Hanging on the wall, of that fast food joint, was an advertisement that put what I was about to consume in a healthy spotlight. I wasn't fooled, but I glanced around at the other customers who waited in line and wondered....are they fooled?

I have been told by Chick-fil-a staff at different establishments, that their food is healthy and cooked in peanut oil, but if one looks below the healthy ad hanging on the wall, they will find a nutrition guide and the facts are gruesome. As I consumed my child's meal (I had lost most of my appetite after thinking on the topic), I read the nutrition guide. I have no clue why they call the pamphlet a nutrition guide, as the foods Chick-fil-a sells and promotes are more junk food, then nutrition. Similar to how they have a health food aisles in most large grocery stores now a days....what is the rest of the store if only 2 of the aisles are the "health" section?

What ever happened to making a fresh chicken sandwich minus all the additives? The ingredient list sounds like something that comes out of a laboratory, instead of a kitchen. But that is how it is in our food industry today. Most people don't look on the side of boxes or bags to see exactly what they are consuming. We like our ignorance and our mounting medical bills. Ever think of how most hereditary diseases have something to do with DIE-T?

Chick-fil-a can advertise all they want with their cute cow signs that state "Eat Mor' Chikin", but I know the scary truth about the contents of what they call a classic chicken sandwich. The concoction they add to tingle your taste buds are in no way healthy, but harmful. I will take ONLY 2 ingredients from the official Chick-fil-a site chicken sandwich ingredient list and show you that my statement is true.

Monosodium Glutamate - a.k.a MSG....has been shown to cause and/or aggravate
rapid heartbeat, palpitations, angina, extreme rise or drop in blood pressure, swelling, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, rectal bleeding, bloating, flu like aches, joint pain, stiffness, depression, mood swings, rage reactions, migraine headaches, asthma, chest pain, runny nose, lethargy, obesity, lesions, hives.....and more...Endocrine disorders; conditions such as obesity, stunted growth, learning disabilities, and behavior disorders caused by MSG-induced damage to the endocrine system; and glaucoma and retinal degeneration (possibly leading to blindness) are not classified as "adverse reactions." When caused by MSG, their roots lie in the destruction of brain cells, possibly years before gross obesity, stunted growth, learning disabilities, behavior disorders, and/or retinal degeneration are first observed. Research confirming that MSG consumed by laboratory animals causes brain lesions in the area of the hypothalamus has been replicated many times.

TBHQ - a.k.a Tert-Butylhydroquinone - an antioxidant derived from petroleum. Side affects include cancer, tumors, dna damage, and death.
In high doses, it has some negative health effects on lab animals, such as precursors to stomach tumors and damage to DNA. A number of studies have shown that prolonged exposure to TBHQ may induce carcinogenity.

The above, my dear readers, are only 2 additives out of a huge list of ingredients. Need I mention the bleached flours, dyes, mono and diglycerides and the other toxic junk they throw together to create a simple chicken sandwich. We are consumers. LITERALLY! We wait in lines to CONSUME the products our fast food industry sells us and our children. We are the ones who dish out our hard earned money to these companies who could really care less about our health. We have to take charge and say no to the toxic junk food we are paying for.

Sadly though, my words for the most part fall on deaf ears and blind eyes. Maybe it's a side affect from the junk we consume. We, americans, like our fast paced life style where we can order a child's meal and throw it in the back of the car for our lil' ones to eat. We like our sports and our entertainment, so we don't have to think about what is going on in our own government. We like our food commercials that sell us our highly processed and unhealthful foods. We like our ignorance and we don't like to investigate the ingredient lists of the foods we feed our families. I will repeat it once more in case you are suffering from a memory lapse from a build up of processed foods.....We like our ignorance, we relish in it.

Just what exactly is in a Chick-fil-a sandwich? According to the official Chick-fil-a website...

"Ingredients: 100% natural whole breast filet, seasoning (salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, spices, paprika), seasoned coater (enriched bleached flour [bleached flour malted barley flour, niacin, iron, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid], sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, nonfat milk, leavening [baking soda, sodium aluminum phosphate, monocalcium phosphate], spice, soybean oil, color [paprika]), milk wash (water, whole powdered egg and nonfat milk solids), peanut oil (fully refined peanut oil with TBHQ and citric acid added to preserve freshness and dimethylpolysiloxane an anti-foaming agent added), pickles (cucumbers, water, vinegar, salt, contains less than 1% of the following: calcium chloride, alum, sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate [preservatives], natural flavors, polysorbate 80, Yellow #5, blue 1), butter-flavored vegetable oil (soybean oil, palm kernel oil, soy lecithin, natural and artificial flavor, TBHQ and citric acid added as preservatives, and artificial color).
Served on a standard 4-inch bun from a local bakery. Ingredients: (Ingredients may vary due to local supplier.) Enriched flour (wheat flour, malted barley flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamine mononitrate [vitamin B1], riboflavin [vitamin B2]), water, corn syrup, contains 2% or less of each of the following: liquid yeast, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, salt, wheat gluten, soy flour, dough conditioners (may contain one or more of the following: monoglycerides and diglycerides, calcium and sodium stearoyl lactylates, calcium peroxide), amyalse, yeast, nutrients (monocalcium phosphate, calcium sulfate, ammonium sulfate), calcium propionate added to retard spoilage, corn starch."

CAN anyone say...."Eat mor' toxins"?