Your right. I should post more. I should keep you more up to date. I should let you peek inside my life and see what is going on with me. ME.....who you care for and love so much!
Some may wonder what is going on with Nathan, baby and me. You wonder if Nathan finished the back porch, what adventures have we been on lately and just how big that baby is making my tummy.
Others miss the thought provoking posts. They wonder just where did my mind go and why am I not posting my thinkerest thoughts anymore for others to think upon.
Some, but hopefully few, are relieved that for the past 9 months my blog has slowed down. They are happy their email boxes are not constantly getting flooded with emails stating that I have updated my blog.
For those who have been patiently awaiting a new post, my sincerest apologies for not keeping you updated!! I hope this post will satisfy your wondering and curiosity! :)
**Nathan is, as I type, working on framing in the inward doorways for my laundry room and back porch. I hear him banging and sawing away right now! He has found a lot of old termite damage on the wall he is currently working on, but being the genius he is (I am not being biased! :) he is tearing out and bracing areas that need the support. He is such a good worker! In the past couple months since I last posted, he has finished the walls of the outside of our porch and pantry, put siding on the walls, tin shingled the roof of the porch/pantry and painted it also! Not to mention the inside electric wiring and other odds and ends that he has done! It daily amazes me how talented my man is!! :) The Lord has surely blessed me with a gifted husband! What would take many families years to complete, he can knock out in a short amount of time and make everything in our home be so wonderful to and for me!! <3>
We have been busy the past couple months with some outside (off the farm) jobs. We gave a home a face lift (inside), fixed a warehouse roof, cut and delivered firewood and many other odd jobs that I can't remember. :) We also did a lil' salvaging in an old building recently.
Since I last updated, we have visited my family a few times, went on a family roots trip to KY with Nathan's momma' and grandaddy, attended 2 civil war reenactment dances and a bunch of other fun stuff I can't remember at present. :) Oh! My 23rd birthday was on Dec. 3rd. Belated gifts, greetings and cards are still being accepted. ;) hehe
Our ninth month anniversary was the 5th of January!!! Can ya' believe it?
**Baby...what a sweet word that is! Exciting to think that in just a few months Nathan and I will have a lil' blessing of our own to hold, kiss on, to nurture and train up!!! <3>
We found a midwife that we really like and have already had one visit and will have another soon. I have had many people ask if I am comfortable birthing at home, if I am afraid...etc. I have no fear, nor anxiety bout' the whole thing. Birthing is a natural thing for us women. We are "womb-man"! :) Dangers lurk everywhere we turn. Things can go wrong in any part of our lives. That is just the consequence of sin in our fallen world. From all my research (oooo I am going to have to do a post on this one!!) home births prove to be safer then hospital births. Does that mean nothing will go wrong with our home birth? We don't have a guarantee that bad things will not happen to us, but we do have the Lord's guarantee that says, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you!" Why should I be afraid? I trust the Holy God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...(and of Nathan, baby and me!)!! :o)
Currently, I am researching one size cloth diapers (cotton). Any recommendations?
That is all for now...but I am going to close with pictures!! Did I hear you say "YAHOO!"? :) You should be saying yahoo because it takes atleast 10 minutes per pic to upload them on to the blog! :)
*~*~*~Upcoming posts include pics and info on~*~*~*
*Nathan, baby and me
*Farm going-ons
*The evil history of eugenics
*Mail order brides in the 1800's
*Fun baby stuff I found online to buy!
*Civil War Reenacting...while pregnant.....
*Home birth'n, cloth diaper'n, water birth and infant potty training! (Learn with me as I learn about it!)
*Heirloom seeds and gardens!
*Updates on the back porch and laundry room progress
*and much, much more....
About 3 months ago: The back porch as-was with a missing roof.
This is before we extended the porch with more concrete floor.
The wall you see on the left was later torn down for the extention.
We doubled the porch/laundry room area, making it 13 wide x 30 long!
About 2 months ago: Nathan stirs up roof paint!!
About 2 weeks before, we poured the concrete floor
(no pics of that!! We lacked a camera during that time).
We then built the exterior wall for the backporch/laundry room,.
Nathan put the roof on (antique tin shingles and all!)
The tin shingled roof!
And look at the pretty detail Nathan made on the porch corner!
(Note: The shiney silver board is a make shift door until we get the laundry room door up!)
WAA-LAA! We aren't all the way finished on the outside.
The door needs painting and the siding does too.
L: Sheppy sleeps while Nathan works!
R: Lil' Miss and Sheppy!
L: The first week of November we went to KY to visit Nathan's family roots (on his mom's side). Here Nathan and I are at the Creelsboro KY Natural Bridge. Look how tiny we are!
R: ME!
Nathan and his mom going over the Lapsley Family cemetary map.
And last but not least...
Grand-daddy, your first great-grand-baby asked me to put this picture on the blog.