Photos you may have not seen before....(photos I didn't know existed! I found these on Nathan's parent's computer!! Thank you guys for snapping these!!!)
Tired Parents and Hyper Happy Baby Aug. 09
Nolan and Daddy (Aug 09)
Nolan and Mommy Aug 09
Nolan (Sept 09)

At about 2pm, the first time I seen Nolan. (June 11 09)

Sweet memories....June 11 09

Nathan preparing our dinner in the hospital (Cute piggy toes!) (June 09)
Me in the hospital the 2nd time with the uterus infection (I think I am blinking or napping?) (June 09)
A cute one of Liz, MamaB, Nolan and Me (Sept 09)
One tired new Daddy...This is where Nathan slept for 5 days while in the hospital the 2nd time (June 09)
1 Day old! Nolan Elijah Black! June 11 09
At about 2pm, the first time I seen Nolan. (June 11 09)
Sweet memories....June 11 09
Going home...only to return a day later. :)
A lullabye to my son....
Hush, Lil Nolan don't you cry,
Momma's gonna buy you some ganic' fruit.
And if that fruit you won't be fed,
Momma's gonna take you to Panera Bread.
And if Panera Bread is closed,
Momma's gonna take you to Chick-fil-a.
And if Chick-fil-a gives your tummy a fit,
Momma's gonna take you to Target.
And if Target has no deals,
Momma's gonna get you a burger meal,
If Red Robin gives your taste buds a shock.....
We will sit right here and continue to rock.
Can you what my favorite choices are when we go out shopping? :) So if you ever decide to get me a gift card for my birthday.... ;)