Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Febuary 19th - Just one year ago....

My goat, Melita, was giving birth to triplets....and Nathan wrote an email to me that would make life change forever. Not only my life, but the lives of my family.

I sit here typing this as our tiny lil' blessing moves and kicks around in my womb. To think just 1 year ago, I was a "maiden in waiting" and now I am a "mommy in waiting". Waiting for the "birth"day of our baby.

Life is full of waiting. The question I would like to pose is, "Are you waiting patiently on the LORD?" We WANT what we WANT and we WANT it NOW. You notice the keyword...WANT. It wasn't until I waited that I got what I wanted. I can tell ya' too....what the LORD has for us is SO worth the wait. :)

Happy Feb. 19th anniversary, Nathan!! I love you! Thank you for being a goodly husband to me. For your love, encouragement and for all the happiness you bring to me! I love you more!

Want to read what happened a year ago....

1 comment:

Robin said...

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story of God's Goodness! It truly gives me a lot of hope for my own little girl. She will be five in March. Covenant with me that I will be like your Mommma and have such a lovely relationship with Lydia as you have with her!

Robin Mureiko