My mom said she has been waiting for another thought-provoking post to be added to my blog.
Yes, I am behind in my thought provoking ones. I have several stewing.
Yesterday and today I have been thinking off and on about infant potty training...huh, you say?

I never heard of it until 4-ish or so years ago. I read up on it a little. When we moved here to VA (almot 2 years ago!), I found a book at the library called Infant Potty Training and also Trickle Treat!!! :o) I think I read them 2ce each to make sure I got the concept down. (Course' I spit the bones and eat the meat with these books...discarding and new age-y stuff)
Did you know letting your baby/child potty in diapers is a western invention?
Many places overseas families potty train infants by the time they are walking.
Yes, potty training babies is do-able. It may not be the thing for all mommies and families, but *if I have my own, I will letcha' know how it goes. ;)
Think about it...why do we train our babies to potty in diapers and get them comfortable to have yuck so close to themselves??? Then we have to untrain them and retrain to get them to sit on a potty. Doesn't make sense to me.
Now, for those wondering, my mom didn't do infant potty training.
Info on Infant potty training....
And, no...I wouldn't do the diaper free baby....I would keep a cloth diaper on baby when at home and a Seventh Generation Chlorine Free Diaper when out and about. (I got it all planned huh? ;)
For momma's who decide infant potty training isn't for them...OR for momma's who infant potty train and use disposable diapers like pampers and you know what is in them??
The ingredients in Huggies, Pampers and others like them is terrifying!
SODIUM POLYACRYLATE - This is the chemical, added in powder form to the inner pad of a disposable, that makes it super-absorbent. When the powdered form becomes wet, it turns into a gel.
*It can absorb up to 100X its weight in water.
*It can stick to baby's genitals, causing allergic reactions.
*Reported to cause severe skin irritations, oozing blood from perineum and scrotal tissues, fever, vomiting and staph infections in babies.
*When injected into rats it has caused hemorrhage, cardiovascular failure and death.
*Has killed children after ingesting as little as 5 grams of it.
*Causes female organ problems, slows healing wounds, fatigue and weight loss to the employees in factories that manufacture it.
DIOXIN - This is the chemical by-product of the paper-bleaching process, using chlorine gas, in the manufacturing of diapers.
*It is a carcinogenic - cancer-causing chemical.
*The EPA lists it as the MOST TOXIC of all cancer-linked chemicals.
*In small quantities it causes birth defects, skin/liver disease, immune system suppression & genetic damage in lab animals.
*Banned in most countries, but not the United States.
"The pulp and paper industry's practice of bleaching pulp whiter than white with chlorine produces a large class of chemicals known as organochlorines, some extremely persistent and toxic, which include the infamous dioxins and furans."
". . . their effects are particularly threatening to the most vulnerable of us all: developing infants and children." Source: Liz Armstrong & Adrienne Scott: "Whitewash; Exposing the health and environmental dangers of women's sanitary products and disposable diapers - what you can do about it."
TRIBUTYL TIN (TBT) - An environmental pollutant, considered highly toxic, that spreads through the skin and has a hormone-like effect in the smallest concentrations.
*It harms the immune system and impairs the hormonal system.
Speculated that it could cause sterility in boys.
"Damage to CNS (Central Nervous System), kidneys and liver can be caused by dyes found in some disposables."
Ain't the above HORRIBLE?
Looking for alternatives?
Severth Generation and Tushies offer disposables.
Cloth diapering is always an option too! :) I have bout 10 cloth diapers I have found over the years in my hope chest...the ones I like the best (not sure if the work the best...yet to be tried) are :) there be some thought provoking thoughts for some of ye'. :)
You should never know what to expect when you come to my blog! You are getting a peek at what is in my ah'skeared'...very ah'skeared'! ;)
UPDATE: (*10:07 am Feb 18., 08')
This morn', I showed mom my post and she pointed out that chlorine was also by the Nazi's in WWI and WWII... I found the below info. on chlorine. Remember chlorine isn't only in your baby's diapers, but in public drinking water, pools, cleaners, etc. etc.
"It WWI Nazi's Fritz Haber who came up with the idea to use chlorine gas to subdue (via suffocation) troops in the trenches; he saw this type of weapon as no worse than bullets and artillery shells."
"Chlorine gas can effect your health, depending on how much of it you have been exposed to and for how long. It is corrosive and irritating to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Exposure to low amounts may cause a sore throat, eye and skin irritation and coughing. Exposure to higher amounts of the gas can cause narrowing of the bronchi, burning of the eyes and skin and a blue coloring of the skin. It can also cause a build up of fluid in the lungs and pain in the chest."
"Chlorine reacts with organic matter in drinking water to produce trihalomethanes, which may cause cancer and possibly developmental effects."