Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hey-howdy from Nathanland!


Where have I been the last couple days?

****Sunday and Monday Nathan and I enjoyed the hospitality of the Rondeau's! We had a very fun and goodly time! I got lots of smiles and laughs from my 3 lil' nephews (Caleb, 5, Isaac, 3 and Micah 1). I also enjoyed my dear sister, Liz (momma' to the Rondeau clan)! :o)

**** Nathan has been not feeling so good of late, so the rest of our week has been restful. We haven't been spreading manure, knocking out walls, having water fights or any of the like...just takin' it easy. Prayerfully, my dear sweet hubby will be himself come the weekend. Prayer is appreciated for Nathan to get better. :) He has been a trooper and is fun to nurse back to health! :o)

*****Ooooo I checked out my mom's blog and noticed she blogged 3 new posts!!! A tear-jerker, a recipe and a encouragement for the chefs of the home! The pasta salad looked sooo yummy!

*****If you all haven't been to The Modest Boutique of late make sure you head that way!!! Summer is here, so those looking for modest summer gear be sure to check out my mom's store!

****My dad's birthday month officially started on May 11th (his real b-day being June 11th). For those of you that are going to send him daily gifts, please email me for mailing directions. ;) High on his list of wants/needs for his birthday are a tractor, a pole building, icecream and mexican food. Maybe the pole barn and tractor can be UPS'd.

****Our garden is sprouting!

****Oh, a thought my little brain thunk....

Mission trips! When you think of mission trips, where do you think of?

South America? Russia? Out of state?

As Christians, we go on mission trips just heading to the grocery store! You don't have to have an organized trip to spread the Gospel! You don't have to be in a group of soul winners to spread the Word!

As born again believers the WORD is in us, we don't have to go somewhere foriegn to qualify us to be "missionaries". Course' going out in the world is great and needs to be done, but it's a common misconception that to be a missionary one must go abroad.

So if you see me out at Food Lion, I am NOT just buying my grocery needs! Watch out fellow shoppers!

Off to get sum'thin to eat!
Mrs. Nathan Black!


Kaila said...

I hope Nathan feels better soon. God bless!

Sarah said...

Sorry to hear of your husbands illness. :( I hope he feels better soon!

Missions is one thing that has always weighed heavily on my heart. . .are you thinking of going on a trip somewhere? I have been astonished to learn of all the places one can go to, right here in the U.S., to help spread the Good News among those who have never heard of it.

Michelle said...

Praying for Nathan's healing. :)

Anonymous said...

I have read through your blog today (the posts on the first page) and can not get the links to your mom's blog and Nathan's dad's blog to work. I'd like to see your wedding pictures and the video your friend posted.

Concerning missions - I was born and grew up in Brasil, in a missionary family. We now live in the USA and my dad is the international director for Silent Word Ministries International ( I am going to Brasil in November for a five month short term missions trip. I am really excited about it!