Yesterday afternoon, Melita started pacing the pasture and under the "barn". She would stop and let out occasionally little whines.
Pic of her "babies in her tummy"!
Round' 7pm Melita kicked out a nest.
Laying down, she is either stretching her back (to get babies in place)
OR having a contraction. She was whiney and would stop chewing her cud to be still (like the above pic) for bout' 2 minutes, then start back on her cud again.
She then would turn her head around and TALK to her babies!!!!!
IT was SOOOO sweet!!! She would move her head up and down and talk....encouraging them, I guess....we are just as impatient as she is! ;)
MY dad loves me SOOOOOO much,
MY dad loves me SOOOOOO much,
when he woke up at 3am he went out and checked on Melita.
He told mom, "If something happens to Melita or the babies,
Jess will be SO sad.";)
Thank you dad! I love you too! <3
When mom and I woke up, we checked on her and she was ready to start the day (and get out of her stall). No babies yet.
We will keep you posted.