~Maiden in Waiting?~
--Written by: Jessica
Alas, up in a castle,
covered in ivy and moss so green.
Sat a maiden sighing,
her eyes forlorn with sad sheen.
She walked over to the window
And with heavy sigh did pray,
"Dear Lord, where is my knight?
Wilt thou not send him today?
I am so tired of waiting.
The misery just grows stronger.
This is above and beyond my strength.
I can wait no longer."
With that she left the tower,
she left the village--and her native land,
She took an airplane to the Bahamas
In search of her man.
While she was away searching,
Arrived her knight with armor that shone.
He called her name...and waited...
Then called her on her cell phone.
Her celly rang and rang,
A full voicemail was all he got.
So away he rode...disappointed,
That his "maiden in waiting"---was not.

How often are you tempted to disregard what the LORD has done and is doing and WORRY about whether or not, when and where, how and why, who and what....about Mr. Knight N. Shining Armor?
If your truly a maiden in waiting that depends and trusts the Lord, then stop letting the devil take hold.
I speak from experience, dear sisters. Do you trust the Lord Jesus for your salvation? Your daily needs? Your next breath? Then why not in the area of marriage? IF He has a knight in shining armor for you, then don't you think He will send Him when HE knows your ready (and your knight is too)? Maybe the Lord doesn't even have a knight for you and I. That is a possibility too.
If we can't be just content to trust and rest in Jesus, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords... what makes us think we will be content in a fleshly, mortal man?
Just some thoughts, dear single sisters, that I challenge myself with of late.
Note: The above poem makes me laugh. I think it's the most funniest one I have wrote in a long time. I started out really serious, really thoughtful and with a good lesson and a good ol' dose of cod liver oil...but I couldn't resist to add in the funny things that came to mind.
If I could only draw the above like I see it in my mind!
1 comment:
Thank you so much for this - I needed the encouragement this morning!!! If you enjoy poetry, there's a poem over at my blog that relates to this very well...if you like, I can e-mail you a link.
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