Monday, October 13, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
O where, o where have the lovebirds been...?
I know the question that has been plagueing many of you...
The fireplace in the parlor/living room before Nathan started working on it in Mar. 08'.....Notice the walls *were* plain and don't have any woodwork, etc. to them.... This part of the house was built in the early 1800s and was originally one-story with an outside chimney (large) and a fireplace. In the mid-1800s they took off the roof and put on a second story, replacing the big chimney with the small flue shown here. Notice how they cut the original mantle in half in order to build the new chimney!
Nathan starts working on the fireplace in March 08' (while we were engaged)....
In the beginning of August 08' we started really working on our parlor!
Below is the mantle (hidden behind materials) and to the right of the pic, the beginning of our book cases!
The fireplace...incomplete...notice the big rock Nathan put over the fireplace (all by himself too!).
All of the woodwork and molding was either salvaged from other houses Nathan has torn down, or was made by him. The wide boards (some are as big as 20 inches) and some of the molding came from a house built in 1780 that we have been tearing down the last few months. Pics of that house to come....
We commenced our painting near the middle of August... Notice to the right of this picture the wainscoting and chair rail we put up. We had to tear out the old sheetrock and then the plaster to put it up. I tried locating pics, but couldn't find them.
We still have the parlor floor to polyurethene and other odds and ends to move about, so a completed picture is yet to come.
Our back porch which will soon be our mud room, pantry and laundry room (as our plan stands for the moment... ;)
Close up of the pantry wall, before being ripped out, on our back porch...Nathan had the job of ripping all the old yucky stuff out. Why are we ripping it out you ask? The wooden floor of the pantry (which is connected to the porch area) was built at ground level and had termite damage (along with other problems). We are preparing to replace the pantry floor area and add additional footage in the front porch of our home with a concrete slab this week.
Talk about yucky....Under the pantry before Nathan cleans it up....
Look below at what a great clean-up job Nathan did!
That's my man! ;) hehe
Sooo...what was I doing while Nathan demolished the pantry?
I was trying to find a place for all the stuff that use to be stored in the pantry (that sounds easy but it was a half day affair ;) , pulling nails from the boards Nathan was saving that were still good and cheering Nathan on! :)
While pulling nails, I reached for a board and touched this instead...
Well, that is all for now! It's almost 6pm and I have french loaves to create!!!
This concludes my post about "Adventures in Nathanland".... ;)
Much love,
Nathan's lil wifee'
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The hand of the Lord in my life is just "awe"some! Each day is a precious gift from Him and should be lived to give Him glory! <3>

Several have inquired where I am and what I am up to and so this post will hafta' tide you over for a lil. :) If your desperate for good reading, Mom posted 2 posts on her blog yesterday and Jon's blog is always so fascinating! :)
Much love, Nathan's lil wifee
I am running out of the way, as I just got done twisting him around.
Dizziness and lots of laughing is the result ;o)
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Sooooo where have we been?
Yesterday morning Nathan baled hay and together we put the hay up. His mom came down that afternoon and helped us too and that morn' she had went ahead and prepared lunch and dinner!!! Putting up hay is hard, fun work! I enjoy so much working along with Nathan. Course' he can heft' more bales then I can, but that is to be expected. ;o) He has guy muscles! ;)
This morning Nathan is cutting hay again for monday or tuesday baling. I worked in our garden some and now I am heading to clean house, hang up wet laundry and give my family a call! :)
My dad's birthday is June 11th!!!! Dad, your birthday month is almost done, but don't fret father's day is soon! ;o)
Much Love,
Nathan's Lil' wifee
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Hey-howdy from Nathanland!
Where have I been the last couple days?
****Sunday and Monday Nathan and I enjoyed the hospitality of the Rondeau's! We had a very fun and goodly time! I got lots of smiles and laughs from my 3 lil' nephews (Caleb, 5, Isaac, 3 and Micah 1). I also enjoyed my dear sister, Liz (momma' to the Rondeau clan)! :o)
**** Nathan has been not feeling so good of late, so the rest of our week has been restful. We haven't been spreading manure, knocking out walls, having water fights or any of the like...just takin' it easy. Prayerfully, my dear sweet hubby will be himself come the weekend. Prayer is appreciated for Nathan to get better. :) He has been a trooper and is fun to nurse back to health! :o)
*****Ooooo I checked out my mom's blog and noticed she blogged 3 new posts!!! A tear-jerker, a recipe and a encouragement for the chefs of the home! The pasta salad looked sooo yummy!
*****If you all haven't been to The Modest Boutique of late make sure you head that way!!! Summer is here, so those looking for modest summer gear be sure to check out my mom's store!
****My dad's birthday month officially started on May 11th (his real b-day being June 11th). For those of you that are going to send him daily gifts, please email me for mailing directions. ;) High on his list of wants/needs for his birthday are a tractor, a pole building, icecream and mexican food. Maybe the pole barn and tractor can be UPS'd.
****Our garden is sprouting!
****Oh, a thought my little brain thunk....
Mission trips! When you think of mission trips, where do you think of?
South America? Russia? Out of state?
As Christians, we go on mission trips just heading to the grocery store! You don't have to have an organized trip to spread the Gospel! You don't have to be in a group of soul winners to spread the Word!
As born again believers the WORD is in us, we don't have to go somewhere foriegn to qualify us to be "missionaries". Course' going out in the world is great and needs to be done, but it's a common misconception that to be a missionary one must go abroad.
So if you see me out at Food Lion, I am NOT just buying my grocery needs! Watch out fellow shoppers!
Off to get sum'thin to eat!
Mrs. Nathan Black!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Downstairs living room fireplace! The mantle is 1820 and the reused boards are about 1780! The boards are hand planed and hand sawed and some are 20 inches wide!!! We thought we would leave the colors like they are! ;) hehe (just kiddin')
Friday, April 25, 2008
Twenty days...
20 days I have been married.
Each day has been so sweet and enjoyable. Shoveling manure, planting grapes, painting, hammering, cooking, baking, burning food, laughing, singing, eating, praying, walking, talking...just each moment I have enjoyed. :)
What is life but a vapor?
Life is like a stream that at points picks up rushes by and at other points slows. It sometimes rains causing the stream to pick up and sometimes the rain doesn't come causing the stream to run low.
Lots of things I think about in my mind of late. Lots and lots of things. I think at times I can write better and express myself better by way of typing then I can in words. My mind sometimes pulls a blank when I talk to Nathan (I wonder why? ;) and so I improvise with words like "thing of it". This week "thing of it" has been overly used at our home. "How about this thing of it?" Or do you need a "thing of it"?
Lots of things on my mind. Chiefly Nathan, of course. Then my family (dad, mom, Justin and Jon). Justin turns 21 on April 28th!!!!! TWENTY ONE! All these numbers! 20 days, 21 years! Then my mind rambles over to my kin. They have been on my mind a lot lately.
Nathan was shoveling manure yesterday and I was watching (I had just hopped down from helping, he was on the last bit). As I watched him, my mind went back to 2006 and how he and I had wrote on various topics (farming, goats, etc.) and how the ball had dropped then. H0w I had continued to pray for him and his family and Rosewood Farm on occasion when I was reminded to (by street signs...see previous post for details ;). I stood there watching him and the goodness of God just overwhelmed me. WHAT A WORK GOD HAS DONE FOR US! HERE I am 2 years later the lil wifee of Nathan. My insight and my outlook are so shallow compared to the anything God has prepared for us!
<3 Okay, that is all for me for now.
HI to everyone who has been wondering where I have been and why I haven't been in the world of bloggin'.
I love you Dad, Mom, Justin, Jon and Conan. I pray for you constantly. You are all with me here even though 2 hours separate us. I pray for your safety on the roads and at home. It's an odd emotion I feel thinking I can't be there in the flesh to do dishes or push mom out of her spot to take over what she is working on, to laugh and give "veggietale commentaries" with the boys and to joke with Dad (and be teased by him). I think now how precious those times were growing up and how I didn't really realize how precious time was. I realize it more now. I had the concept of it and I thought I understood it, but I think reality has hit home the past few weeks. A precious lil' lesson from the Lord fer' sure.
Hi to you Nane, Aunt Heav and all my "west ah' gin-ya" cousins!!! <3 I am thinking of all the fun cookin' and talkin' times we have enjoyed and all our giggle sessions and "Crocodile". ;) haha
Love, Me (Nathan's lil' wifee)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tis' so sweet to trust in Jesus...
5 days I have been Mrs. Nathan Alan Black!!! I look back at the last couple weeks and a happy peace fills me. Tears just well up at GOD'S GOODNESS to ME! That right there just floods me with a bunch of sweet emotions! GOD IS GOOD!
My mom posted some pics on her blog and Nathan's dad also posted on his blog! AND Liz put a video (that Nathan and I have yet to see) on her blog!!
Thanks to all who have been praying for Nathan and I during this time! For those who were able to make it to the wedding, thank you for your presence!!! We love all of ya! :)
More to come soonly. Off to do some laundry! ;)
Mrs. Black ;)
Friday, April 4, 2008
Thoughts from my heart
Do I have anything thought provoking to share?
Of late my life has been one big exciting thought provoking adventure. :)
What to share...what to share. Hmmm...
It amazes me daily the Lord's goodness to me! I don't deserve what He has done in my life, yet in spite of my unworthiness He continues to bless me and multiply my joy. The past couple weeks my family has teased that I am in Nathanland and I will admit I am and have been. I have forgotten ingredients while cooking, choked on vitamins, half heard what everyone has said and at times my mind just goes blank. I am laughing as I write this.
That is another thought provoker. My family. They are all sooooo precious to me! My simple words can't explain what they mean to me. They, alone, have been my best friends, my comedians, my backbone, my sillies, my joy and my life up until a few weeks ago. They have been all I have known daily for 22 years.
I look around my bedroom to see all my possessions packed up. As a family, we have moved over 19 times in 22 years to different homes. It's odd cause this is a move I am making without my dad, mom and 2 brothers. I look around my family and just think. I have been with them for 22 years. I can write that last sentence out and it looks so easy but the memories and the past that go behind that one little sentence are a powerful testimony to God's goodness to my family and I.
Although I have been floating in Nathanland, I have been here at home too. What sweetness I have enjoyed with my family for 22 years! How appreciative to them for all they have done for me and continue to do.
I think of God's design how HE created family. How He designed a man to take a wife and then for them to become a family. That is a reality now to me. I actually understand now. It has been odd/exciting/happy/sad/amazing to see and feel how my desire has been turned from my family to Nathan. How before me being only a daughter and sister was very important to me. My desire to please my family was so strong in me each day. I woke up thought of being with my family each day. My mind was on things that I would do with them. Now my heart strings have been joined to Nathan and though I love my family SO much and want to please them, Nathan has taken 2nd place in my heart. 2nd place? Yes, because the Lord Jesus has been in first always.
As I think on all this, I think of my parents and my brothers. I am so thankful to them. I sit here crying. Words just can't describe what I feel for them. I can't seem to capture the words to express what I feel and think. I just love them so much. That is all I can say.
I think where I would be if it were not for the Lord. I think of how He saved me, cleansed me and made me new. How through my teen years I was able to walk in newness of life. I think of the hard times too. Growing up in our culture is so rough. There are so many temptations out there and the devil is on the prowl. My heart fills up with praise for ALL the LORD has done for my family and I.
I am thankful that my family has been willing to go where we didn't want to go when the Lord directed. There have been many times when we were at peace with where we were and the Lord said "move" and we moved. It could be from state to state or in everyday situations. Where would I be today if we hadn't followed His calling? Course' at times we have had closed ears, yet still God has used us. We ain't worthy to be used. God is so good.
Thank you Dad and Mom for giving me life and letting the Lord use you as tools to prepare me for Nathan. I love you Dad! I love you Mom!
Thank you boys for putting up with me through the years ;) and for protecting me. I may be the oldest, but you both have always looked out for me in everything. I love you Juju and Jon!
Tomorrow Nathan and I will start our new life together. Saying I am excited is an understatement. Many have asked me, "Are you getting excited?" I don't think I have ever been so excited. I think right now I could run outside bellowing at the top of my lungs with glee!
Next time I write I will be Mrs. Nathan Black. ;)
Friday, March 14, 2008
The story...
How does one start a true story and testimony to God's goodness? The words we can come up with just don't seem fitting enough. :)
In 2006, I posted some dresses and jumpers I had made and no longer wanted on a homesteading message board in the barter board area. I also stated I would barter for milk goats in VA. I got a pm (*private message) from a Nathan Black who wrote and said he may know some people in his area that have nubian goats. At the time, goats had been a wish/desire of mine for 2-ish years. I was REALLY excited at the possibility of getting goats. :) Nathan shared some of his goat knowledge and our pm's stayed mainly on topics related to that (farming, chickens, goats, government, etc.). At the time my family was renting a house and were unable to get the goats. Nathan and I lost contact after a lil' while, but I considered him a friend.
I don't know about you, but when I see certain things I lift up others to prayer. For example, I have a dear friend whose deceased dad use to drive Covenant trucks and when I see a Covenant truck, I lift her and her family up in prayer. I did this with Nathan's family too. We had a road near our old rental home that had the name "rose" in it and when we passed that way and I happened to see it, I would pray for Nathan and his family as their farm is named Rosewood Farm. We moved last year in April 07' to our own home and 3 streets down is Rose Valley Rd. When I thought on it, I would pray for him and his family.
In mid-January, I saw a post for toggenberg goats on the homesteading barter board area. Nathan was posting for some friends who didn't have Internet access. I posted back to the board, along with 3-4 other people, asking for more information. 2 days later, Nathan pm'd (private messaged) me and said he went to my blog, glad to hear I finally got my goaty girls and that he hoped my dad's work was going goodly. I replied very blandly and stated simple facts about my goats, family and didn't ask him any questions. He replied again (not-so-blandly) and our conversation picked up where it had left off in 06'. We discussed the Bible, government control, farming, goats (of course), general things about our families, etc. My mom sat with me and read each email going in and out like she normally would. We do this 99.99% of the time as we enjoy looking online together. I read her emails and she reads mine. ;) Several more private messages flew back and forth between us on topics like the food industry, fluoride, farming, missionary work, our families, etc. Just basic things that he and I would discuss with everyone who will talk about them. ;)
On Feb. 19. 08', my goat, Melita, had her kids!!! What an exhausting day! Mom and I were outside in the cold all day helping Melita birth, cleaning up, making sure the 3 kids were goodly and finally at about 8pm we sat down for the night. Everyone was in the living room. Mom and I opened a pm I had received from Nathan. Dad was sitting in the lazy boy chair and my 2 brothers (Justin, 20 and Jon, 17) were lounging on the couches (Jon had the flu). As mom and I read, dad caught the word "tractor" and said, "What does that say?" Mom read him a little and he wanted to hear the rest. Nathan's conversation went from tractors to tomatoes, then solar power to diesel fuel and finally he said...
"Jessica, forgive me for being long-winded tonight, but I have something to ask you about. I have tried to find your parents' phone number but according to the online White Pages it is unlisted. I would have talked with them first before telling you this, but since I have no way of doing so, I must go ahead and "say it!" I have been impressed as we have been talking for several months now that we share alot of similar views, and I would like to discuss with you what your views and desires are for your future family and home, with the intention being to find out whether the Lord has brought us in contact for that reason. I have strong convictions regarding family and children (as I do about most other things :) ), but I do not want to talk about these things with you without first making my intentions known.
Please prayerfully consider this and discuss it with your parents. If you have no other attachment to someone else, and you feel peace that it is the Lord's will to discuss with me regarding your wants for your future family and the possibility of marriage, please let me know and also provide me with your phone number so that I may ask your parent's permission to discuss these matters with you, and I suppose I'll need to tell them a little about myself before they'll feel comfortable with me (after all, gotta keep 'em comfee!). My one desire is a marriage and family that brings glory and honor to my Lord, and it seems that you are someone who is committed to serving Him with all you are. So, if you would like to discuss this with me, please let me know. If you are already attached to someone else, or just don't feel at peace about this, that's fine too. I have enjoyed getting to know you a little, and certainly won't let your decision affect that friendship! Just take it before the Lord, and through his Spirit and the guiding influence of Godly parents, obediently follow what he shows you is his path for you."
What was the reaction in our living room? Dad and mom were in tears, Justy was excitedly laughing and Jon was holding back laughter. I sat big-eyed and near tears. For some time, my family had been sleuthing out Nathan, unbeknownst to me!! They had been researching him through posts he posted on homesteading and through his dad's blog. Just checking him out to make sure no "weirdo" was writing me. ;)
I prayed about Dad contacting Nathan for 2 days. The night of the 19th, I lost sleep, as did my mom and Justin. I got MAYBE 3-4 hours of fitful, unrestful sleep. Same thing the next night. :) On Wednesday at about 3pm, the Lord gave me the thought, IF he isn't what your husband should be, he is not your husband.
What was my requirements you ask?
Fire for the Lord, bold, truthful, burdened for the lost, loves children (and would not use birth control), has an adventure beard, a warrior, has room for my goats, prepared for a family (stable), would love and cherish me for who I am...etc. etc. etc. :) I had made out a list last fall of requirements for a hubby.
In November of 07', the LORD had given me PERFECT peace about being single.
I, for years, had cried out to the Lord and said, "Why am I not married? Is there no one for me?" I would give God my burden and then after a while (a week maybe ;), snatch it back up and place that burden on myself again! This past November, I had perfect peace, sweet peace...that is, until Nathan emailed Feb. 19 about pursuing the Lord's will. ;) ha
I shared with mom my thought from the Lord and then I shared with dad. :) Thursday Dad called up Nathan and then Saturday morning dad went out to Nelson, VA (2 hours away) to meet and get to know Nathan. As dad left his home that evening, Nathan asked if it would be okay to discuss more serious marriage matters with me and dad gave his consent. Sunday morning Nathan sent me an email. On Sunday evening, we went back and forth by email on topics like child training, marriage, birth control, what he wanted in a wife and what I wanted in a hubby. We were able to share what we stood on as convictions without fear of stepping on toes or offending each other. I would "bait" him and ask him questions without giving my input. He then would respond back with MY answer! Sunday night at about 7pm, our emails were crossing and it was getting confusing, so dad said he could call me.
At 7:30pm, we talked on the phone for the first time. I asked him his stand on a few questions and then we discussed what was going on. He shared he had been "sleuthing" me out for a few months on the board. Keeping an eye on what I posted and what I said and praying for the Lord to reveal His will in all this. When he found my link to my blog on my post, he checked that out too. We talked a lil more and then he then ended the conversation with prayer that the Lord would give us a sign. We would keeping discussing by email and he would call me the upcoming weekend. Inside me, I knew already that this was it. I was afraid to leave my family though. My family is VERY tight knit. I love them all so dearly and although I had desired for years to be married, I was afraid to leave my family. :) As Nathan told me on the phone, "I will get back to you this weekend and see what the Lord has said." I was thinking..."Good! I've got a few more days with my family!" Selfish ol' me!
I had been very guarded in my emails, using terms like, "if I marry", "my husband"...etc. I had a wall up around me and was trying very carefully to make sure I didn't get involved with Nathan emotionally. Monday at 3pm I had peace and realized I was stalling and just afraid about leaving my family. I told mom as we pruned apple trees, "I know this is the Lord's what?.." As we went into the house at 4:20ish, I said, "I love Nathan for what he is and what he stands for, I love him like a friend. I love him cause' of who he is and what he stands for....does that make sense?"
That night (monday), we went back and forth by email and I let the wall I had built round my heart be knocked down. I started to LOVE Nathan not only for what he stood for, but I had a true, pure genuine love for him. Not a puppy love or a infatuation...I can't explain this to you all. I just knew I loved him purely and genuinely. We stayed up until 11pm going back and forth (my family was around me the entire time...laughing at our replies and getting excited!). At 10:58, I wrote an email about the Lord's will about this, BUT I did not send it. I stuck it in my save box and bid Nathan adieu for the night.
Tuesday I woke up to an email sitting in my box (YAHOO!). It was 7am (I had been awake since 4:30am!) and we started writing back and forth.
At 7:38am, Nathan emailed and asked me 2 questions. 1. When can I come and visit you? 2. Will ya marry me?
I sent thru a yes (which I don't think got sent to him in all the excitement!) Then I sent him the below...
"You have got to be kidding me.. ;) asking me to marry you on the Internet? ;)
Here is the below email I wrote last night at 2 minutes until deadline (11pm) but didn't send it....
Just to let you know you asked me this week to pray for a sign from the Lord. I just want to let ya know that prior to that I knew it was the Lord's will. I was just chicken cause I don't want to leave my family. When you said "pray for a sign, I will call u this weekend"...I thought...okay I can prolong this til the weekend, but it was selfish of me. I talked to my mom bout this today and she said "it's sad, but so verry happy at the same time.. we have prayed about you all marrying godly spouses for years and exceeding us in our lives for years and this is the Lord's doing." (I told her first what I knew the Lord had done before she told me this)....."
To make an extremely long and adventurous story short... ;)
Nathan and I started courting Sunday morning (the 24th) and were engaged on the February 26 at 7:38am. We met in person for the first time on the 28th (Thursday...2 days after he proposed).
For all you curious girlies, yes he did propose to me in person that Thursday in my goat yard on bended knee and then he asked me in front of my mom while she snapped some pictures later that day!
So, this is my testimony to God's goodness. There is a lot I have left out. How God has been preparing me for years to be Nathan's wife, all the little instances and circumstances that the Lord has used to make me ready have been numerous. I feel totally unworthy to this great thing that the Lord has brought about! Of ourselves, neither Nathan or I could have orchestrated it! It's been amazing the past 2 weeks to see God's hand upon our lives, to see His will be shown to us and to be struck by the awe of the Lord for all the things HE has brought to pass!
One thing I am VERY thankful for is my mom taking the time to show me the ropes of being a wife and mother. For her training me up, in my teen years, and being a proverbs 31 momma'! Christian mommas and daughters, as I write this to you, my heart bleeds for the moms and daughters whose relationships are frazzled and burned out. I can truly share with that; had it not been for my mom's training (and the Lord using her as a tool) I would be a very different woman than I am today. I know too many daughters and moms that have the "me" mentality!! Mommas, take time to train your daughters and daughters, be willing helpers and observant listeners to the gifts of womanhood that your mom is trying to pass down to you!
Praising the Lord for all HE has done!!!!
Friday, February 29, 2008
"Great things He hath done"....
For all those who wondered, "HOW will Jessica ever get married?" I am announcing you can put your worries to ease! THE LORD has been at work! :)
The adventure bearded Nathan Black went fishin' and has caught himself a lil' wifee!
We have set our wedding date for April 5th, 2008!
Since the 19th of Febuary, my family and I's life has been an exciting blur. I want to type all the details out for all of you but I am thinking I will have to collect my thoughts and make sure I get dates right before I share. The cute pictures of us will have to do!
It is SO amazing and I feel so totally overwhelmed at ALL the Lord has been doing for me! I look back at the past few years and I can clearly see now His hand in my life and how He has been preparing me to be Nathan's wife! I feel overwhelmed with joy and so unworthy for all the great things that God has done!
Don't forget to take notice of my new blog page title ("Lil' Wifee to be" is Nathan's nickname for me! ;) And check out my hobbies and interests on the side (if the type is too small, blame blogspot! ;)
2 Funny Farmers-to-be!
My lil' Wifee, we're still at 100%, and we're going to keep it that way! When God does something it's done right! Your unworthy and immensely blessed hubby to be! Nathan
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Oh happy day for the Momma!
I decided to go get mom. On my way in, Justy (who was out working on his work project) said, "What's going on?" I yelled as I trotted toward the house, "Melita is having her babies today!" He laughed at me and said, She is always having her babies everyday. ;) I went in and got mom and together (along with my aunt Tammy's camcorder) went out to observe.
Melita still was pushing every 5 or so minutes. Mom left after about 30 minutes. I hung around until 10:20am. When I left, Melita got up from her nest and whined for me to come back to keep her comfee'. Poor girl. I went in and got ready for the day...I got online with in the intention of doing some book sales. I sent 2 emails and then back out I went with mom at about 11:15 am. Melita was pushing and standing up in her nest. The nest she hooved out reminded me of Big bird's nest on Sesame street (childhood flashback ;). Her nest was in a bad area we thought though...too much wind and chill. We coaxed her over into the birthing stall with some crack corn (which is a treat here...I use corn sparingly, think bout' it, the food companies put corn in pet foods as a filler...another post.. ;)
Anyway, she came into the birthing stall with no problem. She ate her corn and then commenced pushing again. I was near her head and bent over to pet her and she reached up and licked my face. ;) hehe Getting her tongue ready to clean babies and a thank you to me. ;) She laid down and the pushing got more closer together. I kept checking her birthing area and suddenly a small balloon like object appeared (the baby bag.)
Both mom and I prayed over her. She got back up and pushed the water bag down (it is hanging on her). She laid back down and began pushing again. A little hoof came out! The bottom of the hoof was facing down, which means the baby would be born head first...if the hoof was upward, it would be born bottom first).
Then the hoof disappeared...then a little nose and the hoof came out!! The water bag was not broken around the baby yet. Both mom and I were praying and crying and we both were encouraging Melita. The little hoof disappeared. Just the head was coming out. We knew we may have trouble. (Mom threw me cleaning wipes to wash my hands with in case Melita needed assistance.) The bag of water still had not broken. Melita's pushing was getting harder. She was having a tough time of it. She stood up. After a couple seconds of pushing, the bag broke. The baby's shoulders were stuck and Melita's pushing was choking the baby (who was coughing and gasping.) It was the scariest looking thing, the little head being stuck like that. Melita was whining. Mom said, Jess your going have to help her..."Please don't die, please don't die". (mom was praying out loud! and crying)...
I went directly behind her and I started to put my fingers up top and on the side, Mom said, not on the top, on the bottom. I switched finger positioning and the next push came in seconds and I enlarged her a lil and hooked my fingers onto the babies front folded legs and helped pull him out. He came out nicely! :) (Were you holding your breath? I was writing this. ;)
I used the nose sucker (which was a sure to buy something worth it...a deal is not always the best thing!) on his mouth and nose. (My dad suggests shop vacs...haha) He was coughing a lot. Melita was licking him off and I got some of the baby goo off with a pink towel.
Melita then had a funny object coming out..."Maybe it's the placenta...she only had one baby." I said to mom...Nope, it wasn't the placenta! :) It was baby #2!!! The twin to baby #1! They were sharing the same bag! Baby #2 came out in proper position (hooves firstly). After she was born, another odd shape was coming out...placenta for sure this time...I thought. ;) I couldn't see any hooves, no little nose...nothing....

15 minutes pass and the object is still 3-4 inches out. I tell Melita, Push, push push...come on girl! She is busy licking babies. I then see black hair in the bag that is coming out. Another baby! Push Push Melita, this baby needs to come out. She is laying down. She started to push. Hard time again. The baby is stuck. Mom and I literally push her to her feet. Mom said, you have to help her get that baby out. I put my fingers in again and next push I enlarge her a lil and pull. The baby was coming out breech!!! Bottom first!!!! It fell out on to the ground and mom and I stared at it...IT IS HUGE!!! LONG legs!!! I tell Melita, You have a basketball player! ;) hehe He is a huge one, no wonder she had trouble pushing him out (and being born bottom first).

Mom cried, I was very involved in the delivery and clean up. Mom said, You would make a great midwife. You can deliver your brothers and sisters anytime! ;)
The rest is sweet. Melita cleaned her babies. (the placenta came out 1 hour and 15 minute later). The first kid is a boy, Rosh Johannan. The second, his twin (not identical) a girl, Eliana Tikvah. And the third, a boy, Adriyel Moishe. <3>

Monday, February 18, 2008
My mom said she has been waiting for another thought-provoking post to be added to my blog.
Yes, I am behind in my thought provoking ones. I have several stewing.
Yesterday and today I have been thinking off and on about infant potty training...huh, you say?
I never heard of it until 4-ish or so years ago. I read up on it a little. When we moved here to VA (almot 2 years ago!), I found a book at the library called Infant Potty Training and also Trickle Treat!!! :o) I think I read them 2ce each to make sure I got the concept down. (Course' I spit the bones and eat the meat with these books...discarding and new age-y stuff)
Did you know letting your baby/child potty in diapers is a western invention?
Many places overseas families potty train infants by the time they are walking.
Yes, potty training babies is do-able. It may not be the thing for all mommies and families, but *if I have my own, I will letcha' know how it goes. ;)
Think about it...why do we train our babies to potty in diapers and get them comfortable to have yuck so close to themselves??? Then we have to untrain them and retrain to get them to sit on a potty. Doesn't make sense to me.
Now, for those wondering, my mom didn't do infant potty training.
Info on Infant potty training....
And, no...I wouldn't do the diaper free baby....I would keep a cloth diaper on baby when at home and a Seventh Generation Chlorine Free Diaper when out and about. (I got it all planned huh? ;)
For momma's who decide infant potty training isn't for them...OR for momma's who infant potty train and use disposable diapers like pampers and you know what is in them??
The ingredients in Huggies, Pampers and others like them is terrifying!
SODIUM POLYACRYLATE - This is the chemical, added in powder form to the inner pad of a disposable, that makes it super-absorbent. When the powdered form becomes wet, it turns into a gel.
*It can absorb up to 100X its weight in water.
*It can stick to baby's genitals, causing allergic reactions.
*Reported to cause severe skin irritations, oozing blood from perineum and scrotal tissues, fever, vomiting and staph infections in babies.
*When injected into rats it has caused hemorrhage, cardiovascular failure and death.
*Has killed children after ingesting as little as 5 grams of it.
*Causes female organ problems, slows healing wounds, fatigue and weight loss to the employees in factories that manufacture it.
DIOXIN - This is the chemical by-product of the paper-bleaching process, using chlorine gas, in the manufacturing of diapers.
*It is a carcinogenic - cancer-causing chemical.
*The EPA lists it as the MOST TOXIC of all cancer-linked chemicals.
*In small quantities it causes birth defects, skin/liver disease, immune system suppression & genetic damage in lab animals.
*Banned in most countries, but not the United States.
"The pulp and paper industry's practice of bleaching pulp whiter than white with chlorine produces a large class of chemicals known as organochlorines, some extremely persistent and toxic, which include the infamous dioxins and furans."
". . . their effects are particularly threatening to the most vulnerable of us all: developing infants and children." Source: Liz Armstrong & Adrienne Scott: "Whitewash; Exposing the health and environmental dangers of women's sanitary products and disposable diapers - what you can do about it."
TRIBUTYL TIN (TBT) - An environmental pollutant, considered highly toxic, that spreads through the skin and has a hormone-like effect in the smallest concentrations.
*It harms the immune system and impairs the hormonal system.
Speculated that it could cause sterility in boys.
"Damage to CNS (Central Nervous System), kidneys and liver can be caused by dyes found in some disposables."
Ain't the above HORRIBLE?
Looking for alternatives?
Severth Generation and Tushies offer disposables.
Cloth diapering is always an option too! :) I have bout 10 cloth diapers I have found over the years in my hope chest...the ones I like the best (not sure if the work the best...yet to be tried) are :) there be some thought provoking thoughts for some of ye'. :)
You should never know what to expect when you come to my blog! You are getting a peek at what is in my ah'skeared'...very ah'skeared'! ;)
UPDATE: (*10:07 am Feb 18., 08')
This morn', I showed mom my post and she pointed out that chlorine was also by the Nazi's in WWI and WWII... I found the below info. on chlorine. Remember chlorine isn't only in your baby's diapers, but in public drinking water, pools, cleaners, etc. etc.
"It WWI Nazi's Fritz Haber who came up with the idea to use chlorine gas to subdue (via suffocation) troops in the trenches; he saw this type of weapon as no worse than bullets and artillery shells."
"Chlorine gas can effect your health, depending on how much of it you have been exposed to and for how long. It is corrosive and irritating to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Exposure to low amounts may cause a sore throat, eye and skin irritation and coughing. Exposure to higher amounts of the gas can cause narrowing of the bronchi, burning of the eyes and skin and a blue coloring of the skin. It can also cause a build up of fluid in the lungs and pain in the chest."
"Chlorine reacts with organic matter in drinking water to produce trihalomethanes, which may cause cancer and possibly developmental effects."
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
This morning, mom woke me up and said, "I smelled smoke outside and went outdoors and it's really smokey smell my hair? My hair smells like smoke!?" ;o) (It's a girl thing ;)
I grabbed Gracie, my cat, and went downstairs and peeked outside. Smokey alright. The land was covered in a smoke fog. After getting chore clothing on, I went out and the air smelled like an open wood burning stove (I love them things!). Unbeknownst to us, this weekend, brush fires started down in NC and the smoke is now traveling up this way. Thankfully, it's rained a lil' here and the smoke has almost disappeared here in Franklin. Pray for those whose land and homes were affected by the fires. This a.m we were unsure if the fires were heading this way or if it was just the smoke, so we came up with a fire routine. Load all the animals in the Gospel mobile (dad's white work van) and Justy's truck and head towards....? Richmond, I guess. We even prepared animal feed to go. No, we weren't concerned for the house, just our animals. They are like family. :) Our home and material objects aren't important to us (and the land and house are insured ;). hehe (I am laughing.)
Big News! Melita has lost all the ligament in her tail today! It's her due day too! I told some of ya' that she lost it all 2 wend. ago, well, forgive my excited ignorance, I now see she had a little more ligament to lose. The underside of the tail is very flabby now and I REALLY can put my pointer and thumb fingers in a circle around her tail bone...Melita tail has been sticking up for 3 days and today it's starting to arch!
If ya don't know what I is a great goat site with pics of what I am trying to describe.
Jasi (my 3 year old cousin) is coming our way today for a stay! Yahoo! She was talking on the phone to mom earlier and was very excited about coming...Mom asked, Do you want to come to our home? "Yes, I want to come to your home for my vacation." ;) hehe
I cleaned the house today and I am about to do some sewing. I am working on 3 crayon bags that I am bartering with. The first one is done and it turned out SO cute!
Before I sew, I am off to check Melita again!